There is a large list of requirements you can use. Use the sidebar on the right to navigate quickly between requirements.
All requirements can also be used as prerequisites!
Basic requirements
Online time
Check how much time a player has spent online on the server (without being AFK).
Requirement name: time
1d 2h
Play at least 1 day and 2 hours
Play at least 1 minute
1h 2m
Play at least 1 hour and 2 minutes
1d 2h 3m
Play at least 1 day, 2 hours and 3 minutes
Experience level
Check the experience level of a player
Requirement name: exp
Need at least level 20 of exp.
Experience Range level
Check the range of experience level of a player
Requirement name: exp range
Need at least level 20 to 29 of exp.
Check how much money a player has
Requirement name: money
This requirement requires Vault to be installed (and an economy plugin)
Need at least 150 money (in your currency)
Check whether a player is in a specific world
Requirement name: world
Should be in world_nether
Check whether a player is in a specific gamemode (survival, creative, spectator)
Requirement name: gamemode
For a list of gamemodes, see this link. Use the numeric values (so 0, 1, 2, etc.)
Player needs to be in creative
Obtained an item
Check whether a player has a specific item or multiple of it.
Requirement name: has item
Syntax of the requirement: material; amount; display name; match display name
Material (string)
Name of material
Amount (integer)
Amount of the item
Display name (string)
Name to show to the user in the requirement
Match display name (boolean)
Whether the name of the item should match the display name
For a list of materials, see this link.
Need to have at least 4 bones
BONE;4;More bones
Need to have at least 4 bones (it will show the player 'More bones')
BONE;4;More bones;true
Need to have at least 4 bones (that are named 'More bones')
Check whether a player is in a s
Requirement name: location
Syntax of the requirement: x; y; z; world; radius
X coordinate of the location
Y coordinate of the location
Z coordinate of the location
World of the location
How close the player should be to the exact location (in blocks)
Needs to be within 5 blocks of location 10 (x), 65 (y), 10 (z) on world_nether
Time across several servers
Check how much time a player has spent across multiple servers (without being AFK).
Requirement name: global time
1d 2h
Play at least 1 day and 2 hours
Play at least 1 minute
1h 2m
Play at least 1 hour and 2 minutes
1d 2h 3m
Play at least 1 day, 2 hours and 3 minutes
Time since joining the server
Check how much time has passed since the player has first joined the server. Note that a player does not need to be online for this time to increment.
Requirement name: total time
1d 2h
Must have joined the server 1d and 2h ago.
Must have joined the server 1 minute ago.
Be in a permission group
Check whether a player is in a specific permission group
Requirement name: in group
Player must be in the permission group 'Citizen'
Not in a permission group
Check whether a player is not in a specific permission group
Requirement name: not in group
Player must not be in the permission group 'Citizen'
Have a permission
Check whether a player has a specific permission
Requirement name: permission
Player needs the some.permission permission
Be in a biome
Check whether a player is in a specific biome
Requirement name: in biome
Here's a list of biomes you can use.
Have active (Autorank) paths
Check whether a player has a specific path as active or has a number of active paths
Requirement name: active paths
Needs to have at least 10 active paths
Cool Path
Needs to have 'Cool Path' as an active path
Have completed (Autorank) paths
Check whether a player has completed a specific path or has completed a number of paths
Requirement name: completed paths
Needs to have at least 10 completed paths
Cool Path
Needs to have completed path 'Cool Path'
Statistic-based requirements
Most requirements use the statistics provided by Minecraft, but some may require Statz to be installed. It can be found here:
Distance travelled
Check whether a player has moved a certain number of blocks
Requirement name: blocks moved
Needs to travel at least 1000 blocks
Players killed
Check how many players a player has killed
Requirement name: players killed
Needs to kill at least 200 players
Mobs killed
Check how many mobs (of a specific type) a player has killed.
Requirement name: mobs killed
For a list of mobs, see this link.
Needs to kill a 1000 mobs (of any type)
10;SPIDER;<short name of mob>
Needs to kill 10 spiders
Blocks placed
Check whether a player has placed a specific type of block (or how many blocks in total he's placed)
Requirement name: blocks placed
Syntax of the requirement: material; amount; display name
Material (string)
Name of material
Amount (integer)
Amount of the item
Display name (string)
Name to show to the user in the requirement
For a list of materials, see this link.
Place at least 4 blocks
Need to place at least 4 glass
GLASS;4;shiny things
Need to place at least 4 glass (it will show the player 'shiny things')
Blocks broken
Check whether a player has broken a specific type of block (or how many blocks in total he's broken)
Requirement name: blocks broken
Syntax of the requirement: material; amount; display name
Material (string)
Name of material
Amount (integer)
Amount of the item
Display name (string)
Name to show to the user in the requirement
For a list of materials, see this link.
Break at least 4 blocks
Need to break at least 4 glass
GLASS;4;shiny things
Need to break at least 4 glass (it will show the player 'shiny things')
Check how many times a player has voted
Requirement name: votes
Statz and a compatible voting plugin is required.
Needs to vote at least 200 times
Damage taken
Check how much damage a player has taken
Requirement name: damage taken
Needs to take at least 500 damage
Fish caught
Check how much fish a player has caught
Requirement name: fish caught
Needs to catch at least 10 fish
Items crafted
Check how much items a player has crafted or how much of a specific item a player has crafted
Requirement name: items crafted
A list of material names that you can use is provided here.
Needs to craft at least 10 items
Needs to craft 2 anvils
Sheep shorn
Check how many sheep a player has shorn
Requirement name: times sheared
Needs to shear at least 50 sheep
Food consumed
Check how much food a player has consumed or a specific type of food
Requirement name: food eaten
For a list of materials (and consumables), click here.
Needs to consume 20 food items
Needs to consume 20 baked potatoes
Advancement obtained
Check how many advancement a player has obtained or whether a player has obtained a specific advancement.
Requirement name: has advancement
Advancement strings can be found here. Look at the namespaced ids.
Needs to obtain 10 advancements
minecraft:story/shiny_gear;Shiny gear
Needs to obtain the advancement
('shiny gear' is shown to the player)
Animals bred
Check how many animals a player has bred.
Requirement name: animals bred
Needs to breed 10 animals
Cake slices eaten
Check how many slices of cake a player has eaten.
Requirement name: cake slices eaten
Needs to eat 10 slices of cake
Number of items enchanted
Check how many items a player has enchanted
Requirement name: items enchanted
Needs to enchant 10 items
Number of potted plants
Check how many plants a player has potted
Requirement name: plants potted
Needs to pot 10 plants
Number of deaths
Check how many times a player has died.
Requirement name: times died
Needs to die 10 times
Trades with villagers
Check how many times a player has traded with a villager
Requirement name: traded with villagers
Needs to trade 10 times with villagers
Items thrown
Check how many times a player has thrown a specific item.
Requirement name: item thrown
Needs to throw 100 eggs
AureliumSkills requirements
You will need AureliumSkills for these requirements.
Level of a particular skill
Check the level of a particular skill
Requirement name: aurelium skills skill level
Needs to have level 100 in 'fishing'
Level of a stat
Check the level of a stat of a player
Requirement name: aurelium skills stat level
Needs to have level 100 in the stat 'strength'
XP level of a skill
Check the xp level of a skill
Requirement name: aurelium skills xp
Needs to have 100 XP in 'sorcery'
Amount of mana
Check the amount of mana a player has
Requirement name: aurelium skills mana
Needs to have 250 mana
BentoBox requirements
To use these requirements, you'll need this plugin.
Island level
Check the island level of a player.
Requirement name: bentobox level
Needs to have an island level of 20
Essentials(X) requirements
You'll need either Essentials or EssentialsX for these requirements.
Geo location
Check the real life location of a player
Requirement name: essentials geoip location
Player should be playing from the Netherlands
Factions requirements
To use these requirements, you need a Factions plugin, like this one.
Faction power
Check how much power a faction of a player has (if he has any). If a player does not have a faction, this will return zero.
Requirement name: faction power
Example usage
Needs to have 10 faction power
GriefPrevention requirements
You'll need GriefPrevention to use these requirements.
Number of claims
Check how many claims a player has
Requirement name: grief prevention claims
Needs to have 24 claims
Number of claimed blocks
Check how many claimed blocks a player has
Requirement name: grief prevention claimed blocks
Needs to have 100 claimed blocks
Number of remaining claim blocks
Check how many blocks a player can still claim
Requirement name: grief prevention remaining blocks
Needs to have 55 remaining blocks
Number of bonus claim blocks
Check how many bonus claim blocks a player has
Requirement name: grief prevention bonus blocks
Needs to have 10 bonus claim blocks
Jobs requirements
Jobs is required!
Current points
Check the points that a player currently has
Requirement name: jobs current points
Needs to have 120 points
Total points
Check the total points that a player has accumulated over time.
Requirement name: jobs total points
Needs to have a total of 120 points
Level of a specific job
Check the level of a specific job of a player
Requirement name: jobs level
Needs to have level 100 in the mining job.
Experience of a job
Check the experience a player has for a specific job
Requirement name: jobs experience
Needs to have 120 exp in the mining job
mcMMO requirements
To use these requirements, you'll need mcMMO.
Have a particular skill level
Check the level of a particular skill of a player
Requirement name: mcmmo skill level
For a list of skills, see this page.
Needs to have level 100 in Mining
Have a power level
Check the power level of a player (= sum of skill levels)
Requirement name: mcmmo power level
Needs to have a power level of 450
Placeholder requirements
You need PlaceholderAPI for these requirements.
Syntax of the requirement: amount; placeholder; language placeholder
Amount (integer)
Amount of the item
Placeholder (integer or String)
Placeholder from a plugin you want to use for your check
Language placeholder (string)
Discription to show to the user in the requirement
Check the integer value of a placeholder, for a player
Requirement name: placeholder integer
10;<placeholder>;<language placeholder
Needs to have 10 of what the placeholder represents
Check the string value of a placeholder, for a player
Requirement name: placeholder string
<String>;<placeholder>;<language placeholder>
Needs to have <String> of what the placeholder represents
PlayerPoints requirements
You need PlayerPoints for these requirements.
Check the player points of a player.
Requirement name: playerpoints points
Needs to have a 50 player points
Quests requirements
To use these requirements, you'll need this Quests plugin or this one.
Number of active quests
Check how many active quests a player has
Requirement name: quests active quests
Needs to have 10 active quests
Check how many completed quests a player has
Requirement name: quests completed quests
Needs to have 10 completed quests
Check whether a player has completed a specific quest
Requirement name: quests complete quest
Kill Mother Teresa
Needs to complete Kill Mother Teresa
Check how many quest points a player has.
Requirement name: quests quest points
This requirement can only be used when you use this specific Quests plugin.
Needs to have 100 quest points
Towny requirements
Towny is required for these requirements.
Has a town
Check whether a player is part of a town
Requirement name: towny has town
Player needs to have a town
Has a nation
Check whether a player is part of a nation
Requirement name: towny has nation
Player needs to have a nation
Check whether a player is a mayor or a town
Requirement name: towny is mayor
Player needs to be a mayor
Check whether a player is king of a nation
Requirement name: towny is king
Player needs to be a king
Check how many town blocks a player has
Requirement name: towny town blocks
Needs to have 75 town blocks
WorldGuard requirements
To use these requirements, you need the WorldGuard plugin, like this one.
Be in a worldguard region
Check whether a player is in a specific worldguard region
Requirement name: worldguard region
Needs to be in TestRegion
Last updated